Great news! We just heard that our THREE NEW EPISODES will air on Rocky Mountain PBS on Sundays in November: the 7th, 14th, and 21st!

  • Thrive’s Vitality Collection indoor air safe/net-zero energy/zero emissions homes in Denver (to air/begin streaming on 11/7 at 10am)
  • Nantes Library a near Passive House compliant public library in Gilcrest, CO (Weld County) (to air/begin streaming on 11/14 at 10am) and
  • L’Avenir project net-zero/zero emission/LEED Platinum townhome project in Ft. Collins (to air/begin streaming on 11/21 at 10am).

AND – if you haven’t seen our first episode that originally aired last October, you can catch that on October 31st!

We are thrilled to be able to share these new episodes with everyone!

A huge THANK YOU to our sponsors, followers, friends, family, and viewers.

You can keep an eye on the RMPBS calendar here. And you can stream episode one here.

Don’t forget to join our mailing list, you can use the form at the bottom of this page, to stay on top of all the latest news and information about how you can Join the Movement!